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This window will close automatically. You can always add a school or organization later to access special content and benefits. By selecting 'Sign Up', I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Salt's Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy. No one likes repaying their student loans—and you may not have to! Find even more ways to get your student loans forgiven, discharged, or paid on your behalf in the latest edition of our popular eBook.

Spending 2 years at community college and then transferring to the best 4-year school you can is a huge advantage personally and financially—just listen to these students who did it themselves. Good time management and planning are your keys to success. This infographic makes it easy for you to know how to find, understand, and apply for aid. Want to know how much topics, word counts, and everything else matter when writing a great scholarship essay?

Listen to these scholarship providers. You'll earn more from internships than just a paycheck and some college credit. This infographic explains their real value. Pursuing different advanced degrees comes with different benefits and risks.

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Grad PLUS loans are federal student loans for graduate students. They have no annual or total borrowing limit, which makes these a good option for borrowers looking to cover a tuition gap. Your brain has two hemispheres: With discipline and sacrifice, he defeated his debt and it felt really, really good. When it comes to saving money, small differences in your regular deposits can make a big impact in the interest you receive over time. This calculator can help you see how these little changes can affect how your money grows.

New grads typically work in entry-level positions for 2 to 5 years. If you become frustrated before that, discuss your options with your manager and identify your career goals to decide whether to move on. From coffee and commuting to takeout and tutoring, there are lots of little things you can do to save money every day.

See how one student learned to love her budget in this video. Carine, a loan counselor for Salt, outlines options for defaulted borrowers to get payments back on track.

Harness the power of social media to open your friends' eyes to these useful student loan facts. There are tons how to get unlimited money on virtual families 2 scholarship dollars and different financial aid for college. Scholarships allow you to cover education costs for free. Find awards you qualify for based on your hobbies, interests, academic background, and more with the Salt scholarship search engine.

If you're a community college student who wants to transfer to a 4-year school, you have to what trades on the american stock exchange a certain number of courses in these six different categories. When borrowing private student loans, get a deal that's good for you by looking at what the lender offers for interest rates, fees, repayment options, and more.

Networking plays a significant role in a job search. By thinking creatively about whom you can connect with they could be family, friends, neighbors, or anyone else you'll always be prepared to make contact.

Make a great first impression by being on time and prepared to give insightful answers to common interview questions. Some people not only fall into jobs, but they also fall in love with their work.

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Get the information you need on: How to transfer from community college. Different ways to pay for school. Be A College Success Story College is the ladder to your future. Reach the top with information on: Paying for your education with scholarships. Getting an internship or job. Saving money for travel, tomorrow, and more. Achieve balance with information on: Landing your dream job after graduation. Borrowing wisely for school. Ways to increase your financial independence.

Advice and tools that can help you land a job. Articles on ways to take charge of your money.

Expert help repaying student loans. Create your plan with info on: How to build and stick to a budget. Why your credit score really matters. Ways to grow your savings.

Control your credit card balances and find out what your spending means for your future. Plans that lower your payments.

Ways to pause payments temporarily. How to have your loans forgiven altogether. Where to find and how to win scholarships. The different types of student loans. Ways to decrease college costs. Take charge of your career with: Tips for nailing a job interview. Complete Your Salt Courses Profile What is your current academic program enrollment status?

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