Ie automatically detect settings registry key

By: banan879@ramble Date: 11.07.2017

[Solution] .REG Registry Files Always Open with Notepad in Windows - AskVG

When I boot up my corporate laptop, the "Automatically detect settings" option is ticked. This setting never works and I need to untick it before I can access the Internet. I've tried looking for a registry entry so I can run a script on boot up that turns this setting off.

ie automatically detect settings registry key

I enabled the setting and exported a branch, then disabled the setting and exported. A diff comparison shows these two as identical between the two exports:. You might disable proxy caching, as described here: How to disable automatic proxy caching in Internet Explorer. - Troubleshooting Internet Explorer problems

It's also very puzzling that the following registry key doesn't change: See this thread for an example of differing values skip to the very end: Registry key for IE's "Auto Detect Settings" option Note: If you can't see the ending comment, search this article through google and click on it.

This is a particularity of experts-exchange.

ie automatically detect settings registry key

You can use the info in this thread to build a batch script to reset the registry to your correct values. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

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windows 7 - IE Setting in group policy Disable automatically detect setting in LAN Settings - Server Fault

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. A diff comparison shows these two as identical between the two exports: I'm running Windows 7.

Alex Angas 1, 5 22 How to disable automatic proxy caching in Internet Explorer It's also very puzzling that the following registry key doesn't change: Though using someone else's registry settings is a bad idea for this unless you want their entire proxy server settings too, so you'll want to save your own registry setting out. My intention was only to demonstrate that other people do see a difference. I've clarified my answer. I logged in today and it worked fine.

I'll keep testing and come back once confirmed. Seems to be fixed with the first link you gave, thanks! Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook.

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